2025-02-03 |
Auction of Canteen
2025-02-01 |
Notice Inviting Quotation
2025-01-31 |
NIQ for lunch
2025-01-30 |
Inviting sealed quotations for Framing Work
2025-01-28 |
NIQ & DNIQ Regarding Hiring of Tentage Items for Science Conclave
2025-01-24 |
Inviting sealed quotations for Decoration for Science Conclave and National Conference & Exhibition 2025 in Youth Festivals-2024
2025-01-23 |
Sealed quotation for one Micro Pipette Single Channel (One set of four Pipettes) due on 08.02.2025.
2025-01-23 |
NIQ for Purchase of Registration Kit for National Science Conclave and National Conference & Exhibition 2025
2025-01-22 |
NIQ for prepartion of University Music Team for Inter-University Youth festival
2025-01-22 |
NIQ for prepartion of University Theatre Team for Inter-University Youth festival
2025-01-22 |
NIQ for prepartion of University DanceTeam for Inter-University Youth festival
2025-01-22 |
2025-01-20 |
NIQ (Notice Inviting Quotations) for repairing of 01 No. UPS 5 KVA and purchasing of 42 AH UPS Batteries (Qty.-16 Nos.) for the Secrecy Branch, UIET Building at IGU, Meerpur, Rewari.
2025-01-18 |
Auction of dry woods in university campus
2025-01-17 |
NIQ & DNIQ for Purchasing of Shawls for Celebration of 76th Republic Day on 26th January 2025
2025-01-16 |
NIQ & DNIQ for Procurement of Prasad for Celebration of 76th Republic Day on 26th January 2025
2025-01-16 |
NIQ & DNIQ for Hiring of Tentage Items for Celebration of 76th Republic Day on 26th January 2025
2025-01-16 |
Quotation Chemicals due on 16.01.2025
2025-01-16 |
Quotation One serological pipette electronic. due 31.01.25
2025-01-16 |
NIQ for purchase of Payroll/ Salary Software
2025-01-16 |
Extension of Tender Notice for Printing of Proforma for Secrecy Branch
2025-01-15 |
NIQ for Supply of Glassware etc. for Physical Laboratory, Dept. of Chemistry
2025-01-15 |
NIQ for Servicing of AC's installed at IGU Meerpur Rewari
2025-01-15 |
NIQ & DNIQ for Preparation of Good Quality Boards for Displaying the Preamble of the Indian Constitution
2025-01-15 |
Sealed quotation for Digital Photo Fluorometer due on 28.01.2025
2025-01-14 |
Inviting sealed quotations for Bed Mattresses, Bed Sheets, Pillows & Towels for the O/o Hotel & Tourism Management.
2025-01-14 |
NIQ & DNIQ-Repair/Maintenance of Steel Almirah at Atal Library at IGU Meerpur.
2025-01-13 |
NIQ for Supply of Glassware for Inorganic Laboratory, Dept. of Chemistry
2025-01-13 |
NIQ for Supply of Water Bath for Chemistry Laboratory
2025-01-10 |
NIQ & DNIQ for Stitching of Blazers for Students
2025-01-09 |
Tender Notice
2025-01-07 |
Sealed Quotation for One Weswox Optik Senior Rotary Mircrotome due on 23.01.2025.
2025-01-03 |
Sealed quotation for HiAirflow Economical (Make- Himedia)due on 16.01.2025
2025-01-03 |
Sealed quotation for Electronic Micropipette-Single Channel due on 16.01.2025
2025-01-02 |
Tender Notice for Supply of 08 Nos. Online UPS and 128 Nos. Batteries for Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur, Rewari.
2025-01-01 |
NIQ for Trekking Camp for Girls
2025-01-01 |
Sealed quotation for Corona Discharge Device due on 14.01.2025
2025-01-01 |
Sealed quotation for Chemicals (Make-himedia/sigma)due on 14.01.2025
2025-01-01 |
NIQ for Glassware/ Plastic ware (Make- Borosil/Tarson) due on 14.01.2025
2024-12-30 |
NIQ of Ph-Meter
2024-12-30 |
NIQ for Trekking Camp for Boys
2024-12-26 |
NIQ (Notice Inviting Quotations) for repairing of 01 No. UPS 5 KVA and purchasing of 42 AH UPS Batteries (Qty.-16 Nos.) for the Secrecy Branch, UIET Building at IGU, Meerpur, Rewari.
2024-12-20 |
NIQ for the Supply of Chemicals for the Research Project in Department of Chemistry
2024-12-20 |
NIQ for Supply of Chemicals for the Chemistry Laboratory
2024-12-19 |
NIQ for Supply of Glassware for the Chemistry Laboratory
2024-12-17 |
NIQ for the Supply of Chemicals for the Research Project in Department of Chemistry
2024-12-17 |
Inviting sealed quotations for Hospitality, Food, & Refreshments.
2024-12-12 |
Corrigendum for Date Extension (Coin Cell Punching Machine)
2024-12-11 |
NIQ for the Supply of Chemicals for the Research Project in Department of Chemistry
2024-12-10 |
Chemical Reagent Kits Quotation
2024-12-10 |
Mini Centrifuge Quotation
2024-12-09 |
NIQ of Chemical
2024-12-09 |
Sealed quotation for Plasticware(Tarsons)
2024-12-09 |
Sealed quotation for Chemicals(Hi-Media)
2024-12-06 |
NIQ for Supply of Glassware and Plasticwares for the Chemistry Laboratory
2024-12-04 |
NIQ steel book display racks
2024-11-29 |
Construction of Toilets for HE and SHE
2024-11-29 |
NIQ for the Supply of Glassware and accessories for the Research Project in Department of Chemistry
2024-11-27 |
NIQ for Supply of Conductivity Meter for Chemistry Laboratory
2024-11-27 |
NIQ for Supply of pH Meter for Chemistry Laboratory
2024-11-25 |
Corrigendum regarding Supply of Coin Cell Punching Machine for Research Project in Chemistry
2024-11-25 |
NIQ for binding of Tabulated Register(s)/Result Sheet(s).
2024-11-22 |
NIQ & DNIQ- Purchasing of ferric alum & bleaching powder for water works at IGU Meerpur.
2024-11-22 |
NIQ regarding Identity Cards
2024-11-20 |
NIQ for Supply of Chemicals for Organic Laboratory for Department of Chemistry
2024-11-18 |
NIQ/DNIQ- Providing & fixing of Aluminum jali of size 50x50x7 mm at Atal Library at IGU Meerpur.
2024-11-06 |
Submission of NIQ for Water Arrangement for Youth festival 2024
2024-11-06 |
Invitation to attend Training Camp on Disaster management
2024-11-06 |
NIQ of Chemical
2024-11-05 |
2024-11-03 |
NIQ inviting date of extension for Sound system
2024-10-30 |
Inviting sealed quotations for Decorations in Youth Festivals-2024
2024-10-29 |
NIQ for printing of flex, banners etc for Youth Festival Hindola 4.0
2024-10-29 |
Purchasing of Public Health Items for RLB Girls Hostel at IGU Meerpur.
2024-10-29 |
NIQ for LED and Photo& Video recording for Youth Festival 2024 (Hindola 4.0)
2024-10-28 |
NIQ Purchase of Prize/Memento/Shawl etc. for Youth Fest 2024
2024-10-28 |
NIQ Regarding Hiring of Tentage Items for Youth Fest 2024
2024-10-28 |
Sealed Quotation for Two Electronic Pipettes due on 13.11.2024
2024-10-28 |
2024-10-28 |
NIQ Dance Youth Fest 2024
2024-10-28 |
NIQ Music For Youth Fest
2024-10-26 |
Inviting quotations
2024-10-26 |
NIQ for Sound System for University Youth Festival 2024
2024-10-25 |
Inviting sealed quotations for preparation of UTD Theatre Team
2024-10-23 |
Tender Notice for Supply of Coin Cell Punching Machine for Research Project in Department of Chemistry
2024-10-15 |
NIQ/DNIQ-Purchasing of electrical items for various buildings/location at IGU Meerpur.
2024-10-14 |
NIQ for Portable Speaker (Ahuja)
2024-10-10 |
NIQ: Installing of 02 Nos. Air Conditioners (1.5 Ton) in room no. 60, RTR Block at IG University, Meerpur, Rewari.
2024-09-24 |
NIQ & DNIQ-Providing & fixing of toughened glass 12 mm thick (Transparent) at Atal Library at IG University Meerpur.
2024-08-29 |
NIQ for Paper Setting Proformas
2024-08-24 |
NIQ for hiring JCB Machine
2024-08-23 |
NIQ for the Department of Physics
2024-08-22 |
NIQ for One 3D Printer
2024-08-14 |
Revise NIQ for Purchase of Furniture items (Bookrack Wooden with Stopper) for Atal Bihari Vajpayee Library, IGU, Meerpur, rewari
2024-08-12 |
DNIQ regarding purchase of curtains for Atal Bihari Vajpayee Library
2024-08-09 |
NIQ/DNIQ - Purchasing of Exhaust fan (22 Nos.) & Flood Light (20 Nos.) for MP Boys & RLB Girls Hostel at IGU.
2024-08-08 |
सूखे पेड़ों की लकड़ियों की नीलामी के लिए बोली
2024-08-06 |
NIQ for the Supply of Chemicals for the Research Project in Department of Chemistry
2024-08-06 |
NIQ for rate contract of Track Suit etc.
2024-08-05 |
NIQ for Purchase of Steel Almirah and Steel racks for various offices at IG University, Meerpur, Rewari
2024-08-01 |
NIQ for purchase of furniture items
2024-07-24 |
NIQ for interest rates of FD
2024-07-22 |
NIQ & DNIQ - Purchasing of spun filter in various building RO Plant at IG University Meerpur.
2024-07-13 |
NIQ for Tractor-Mounted Grass Cutter Machine.
2024-07-10 |
NIQ for local earth adjacent to MP Boys Hostel at IG University, Meerpur
2024-06-28 |
NIQ for SITC (supply, installation, testing, and commissioning) of 04 numbers 2.0 ton, split, Air Conditioners (5 Star), Daikin make to be installed in the office of VC and board room at SVP Bhawan IGU, Meerpur.
2024-06-26 |
NIQ & DNIQ - Providing shed on the existing 800 KVA electrical sub-station at IGU Meerpur.
2024-06-21 |
Re-invited NIQ for Changing of New Wire/Cable of Main National Flag mast at IGU Meerpur.
2024-06-21 |
Inviting of Quotations for interest rates of FDs.
2024-06-14 |
NIQ & DNIQ-Filling of local earth adjacent to MP Boys Hostel at IG University Meerpur (Rewari).
2024-06-13 |
NIQ for providing & fixing of Bamboo chicks on the wall grills (Eastern side wall) at VC Residence at IGU Meerpur (Rewari).
2024-06-07 |
NIQ: Providing shed on the existing 800 KVA electrical sub-station at IG University, Meerpur (Rewari).
2024-06-07 |
NIQ: Covering of openings Air vents (02 Nos.) in SVP Block at IG University, Meerpur (Rewari).
2024-06-07 |
NIQ: Purchasing of 09 Nos. batteries (75AH) for UPS in Atal Bihari Vajpayee Library at IG University, Meerpur.
2024-06-04 |
DNIQ for DPR, BoQ, drawings (architectural Structural) etc. for various projects at IGU, Meerpur (Rewari); Under Khelo India scheme.
2024-05-29 |
NIQ for GYM Equipments.
2024-05-27 |
NIQ for construction of Under Ground water storage tank (Potable) for Boys and Girls Hostel at IG University Meerpur (Rewari)
2024-05-23 |
Changing of New Wire/Cable of Main National Flag mast at IGU Meerpur.
2024-05-21 |
NIQ/DNIQ: Purchase of H.S. Diesel for D.G. Sets installed at various Locations/ Buildings in the University Meerpur campus.
2024-05-21 |
NIQ/DNIQ: Purchasing of public health items for various buildings at IGU, Meerpur
2024-05-16 |
Inviting of quotations for interest rates of FDs
2024-05-15 |
NIQ/DNIQ for purchasing of ferric alum and bleaching powder for water works at IGU Meerpur (Rewari).
2024-05-14 |
2024-05-09 |
Inviting of Quotations for supply of Networking products
2024-05-09 |
Notice Inviting Quotation for organizing 7 Days Adventure Camp in Dalhousie, H.P.
2024-05-07 |
NIQ/DNIQ: Supply and installation of Roller Blinds in deptt. of Law at IG University, Meerpur
2024-04-27 |
2024-04-26 |
NIQ for Purchasing of A4 Size Yellow Envelopes (Laminated)
2024-04-22 |
NIQ for the supply of Window roller blinds
2024-04-16 |
Extension of date of NIQ for Purchase of Plastic Bags for Secrecy Branch
2024-04-16 |
Inviting of Quotations for interest rates of FDs.
2024-04-08 |
Inviting sealed quotations for purchase of pay roll/salary software.
2024-04-08 |
NIQ for Purchase of Plastic Bags for Secrecy Branch
2024-04-03 |
Inviting of Quotations for interest rates of FDs
2024-03-21 |
Notice Inviting quotation for binding the payment and receipt voucher
2024-03-15 |
Inviting of Quotations for interest rates of FDs (Non-Callable)
2024-03-14 |
NIQ for Supply of Vacuum Pump and Manual Vacuum Controller for Chemistry Laboratory
2024-03-13 |
NIQ for purchasing of 06 numbers of portal USB Hard Drive
2024-03-11 |
NIQ & DNIQ-For Covering the Open Space at First Floor of UIET Buildings at IGU Meerpur
2024-03-07 |
NIQ & DNIQ-Purchase of Fire Extinguishers and refilling of existing Fire Extinguishers at IGU Meerpur
2024-03-04 |
NIQ/DNIQ; Purchasing of Public Health Items in MP Boys Hostel at IG University, Meerpur
2024-03-04 |
NIQ for Rotary Shaker
2024-02-27 |
NIQ for Supply of Chemicals for Physical Laboratory for Department of Chemistry
2024-02-27 |
NIQ & DNIQ for purchasing of new water cooler for University Health Centre
2024-02-09 |
NIQ for Supply of Chemicals for Inorganic Laboratory for Department of Chemistry
2024-02-08 |
NIQ and DNIQ for hiring agency for Green, Environment & Water audit of IG University.
2024-02-06 |
NIQ & DNIQ for Rehabilitation of part of second floor, SVN teaching block at IG University, Meerpur (Rewari).
2024-02-05 |
NIQ for double distillation unit
2024-02-05 |
NIQ for the supply of Chemicals
2024-02-05 |
NIQ & DNIQ for servicing of Air Conditioning units installed in various building at IGU Meerpur.
2024-01-25 |
NIQ for Supply of Chemicals for Organic Laboratory for Department of Chemistry
2024-01-25 |
NIQ for the supply of Clevenger Apparatus
2024-01-24 |
Inviting sealed quotations for Camp/Course Fee to at Hilly Area of Uttrakhand State i.e. Mukteshwar, Bana, Sunkiya, Bhateliya, Kasilyalekh etc. of Nainital district (Uttrakhand)
2024-01-24 |
NIQ & DNIQ Construction of Box Culvert on the existing Irrigation channel in front of RTR Block at IG University Meerpur (re-invite).
2024-01-23 |
NIQ for All Glass Double Distillation Unit
2024-01-23 |
NIQ for the supply of Analytical Balance
2024-01-19 |
NIQ for purchasing of electrical items for arrangement of computer lab in Atal Bihari Vajpayee Library at IGU Meerpur
2024-01-10 |
NIQ for the supply of online UPS (10KVA)
2024-01-09 |
NIQ & DNIQ for Maintenance of boundary wall of old girls hostel at IGU Meerpur.
2024-01-09 |
NIQ & DNIQ for Construction of Plinth Protection in RLB girls Hostel at IGU Meerpur.
2024-01-08 |
NIQ for Serological Pipette Filler
2024-01-08 |
NIQ for pH meter
2024-01-08 |
NIQ for Chemicals (Sigma) due on 23.01.2024
2024-01-08 |
NIQ for UV Transilluminator
2024-01-08 |
NIQ for One Complete Horizontal Electrophoresis System
2024-01-05 |
NIQ for Sanitary Items
2024-01-03 |
NIQ for Supply of "Ice Flaker" for Chemistry Laboratory
2024-01-03 |
Inviting quotations for organizing 7 Days Adventure-cum-Snow Trekking Camp in Tungnath, Uttrakhand
2024-01-01 |
2023-12-21 |
Inviting of Quotations for interest rates of FDs
2023-12-20 |
NIQ & DNIQ for supply and installation of solar equipment's under smart campus, IGU Meerpur.
2023-12-20 |
Re-Invite :NIQ & DNIQ for providing and installation of roller blinds in the office of Dean Academic Affairs at IGU Meerpur.
2023-12-19 |
NIQ for Supply of Round Bottom (R.B.) Flask with Heater 05 Ltr.(accessory for triple distillation unit) for Chemistry Laboratory
2023-12-19 |
NIQ for the supply of 5KVA online UPS
2023-12-13 |
Extension of Date of NIQ
2023-12-12 |
NIQ for Two Serological Pipette Filler
2023-12-11 |
NIQ for one media Filtration Assembly/System
2023-12-11 |
NIQ for Chemicals (Hi-Media)
2023-12-07 |
NIQ for the supply of Online UPS
2023-12-04 |
Sealed quotation for Horizontal Laminar Air Flow Bench Due on 18.12.2023
2023-12-04 |
Auction notice with term & conditions (07.12.2023)
2023-12-01 |
Notice Inviting Quotation for Purchase of Plastic Bags
2023-11-30 |
Sealed quotation for Gel Electrophoresis due on 15.12.2023
2023-11-29 |
NIQ & DNIQ for purchasing of Walkie-Talkie for security purpose at IGU Meerpur
2023-11-17 |
NIQ for construction of plinth protection in RLB Girls Hostel at IGU, Meerpur.
2023-11-08 |
Reinviting quotations for the supply of Router on the annual rental basis
2023-11-08 |
Notice Inviting Quotation for Supply & Installation of solar equipments under smart campus, IGU, Meerpur.
2023-11-08 |
NIQ for Flame photometer
2023-11-07 |
Notice Inviting Quotations (NIQ) for the sale of Raddi lying in the examination branch
2023-11-05 |
NIQ for Purchase of Instrument (Rotary Evaporator) for Chemistry Laboratory
2023-11-03 |
NIQ for Glassware (Borosil)
2023-10-26 |
Notice for Financial bid opening for purchase of answer sheet
2023-10-25 |
Sealed quotation for Plasticware (Tarsons) Due on 15.11.2023.
2023-10-25 |
Sealed quotation for Glassware (Borosil) Due on 15.11.2023.
2023-10-20 |
NIQ for providing and Installation of Roller Blinds
2023-10-20 |
NIQ for the supply of Router on the Rental basis
2023-10-18 |
NIQ/DNIQ: for hiring agency for Green, Environment and water Audit of IG University, Meerpur
2023-10-12 |
NIQ for the purchase of UPS
2023-10-11 |
Periodical Services i.e. distempering work in the Department of Law, Registration Branch at IGU, Meerpur
2023-10-06 |
NIQ for Horizontal Laminar Air Flow Bench
2023-10-06 |
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply and installation of solar equipment under smart campus, IGU, Meerpur.
2023-10-03 |
Tender notice regarding purchase of Twenty Five Lac Answer Books of 38 pages each with OMR i.e. 36 pages and 2 pages OMR and One Lac Internal Assessment Answer Sheet of 08 pages each
2023-10-03 |
NIQ for Purchase of Double distillation Assembly for Chemistry Laboratory
2023-09-29 |
NIQ for Camp of Girls Students only to Hilly Areas of Nainital District of Uttrakhand State
2023-09-27 |
Revised NIQ for development of LMS web portal
2023-09-27 |
NIQ for purchase of Glassware and Lab items for Chemistry Laboratory
2023-09-19 |
NIQ for construction of restroom/washroom (He and She) adjacent to canteen at IGU, Meerpur. (Re-Invite)
2023-09-15 |
Tender notice for SITC of Hostel room and dining hall furniture ar Girls Hostel
2023-09-14 |
Extension of date of inviting Quotations
2023-09-13 |
NIQ for providing and installation of 5.0 KWP Solar Power Plant at IGU, Meerpur
2023-09-13 |
NIQ For repairing/servicing of 09 Genets in various building
2023-09-08 |
NIQ for Purchase Various Plants
2023-09-08 |
NIQ for Purchase 4MM Two Core Wire
2023-09-08 |
NIQ for 7.5 HP Mono-Block Pump Set
2023-08-29 |
NIQ For making functional of new Air Conditioners installed at various buildings in I.G. University Meerpur
2023-08-23 |
NIQ for purchasing of new UPS Batteries 75Ah & 42 Ah and one UPS for repairing
2023-08-23 |
Tender Notice for the purchase of Online UPS with Batteries
2023-08-22 |
Re-invite the Quotation For Procurement and installation of a Bio Gas-Plant at Boys Hostel
2023-08-22 |
NIQ for the purchase of Vacuum Cleaner
2023-08-21 |
Invited Sealed Quotations for supply of original Cartridge No. 77A for printer HP LaserJet Pro MFP M329dw
2023-08-21 |
Notification regarding opening of e-tender for the purchase of answer books and OMR
2023-08-21 |
NIQ for purchase of Instruments and accessories for Department of Chemistry
2023-08-21 |
NIQ for purchase of Glassware and Lab items for Chemistry Laboratory
2023-08-18 |
NIQ for the development of LMS portal
2023-08-16 |
NIQ/ DNIQ : Replacement and provision of flush door and wire mesh shutter respectively in Kalpana Chawla Sabhagar and type II Quarter No. 03 at IGU, Meerpur
2023-08-14 |
NIQ for gas pipe line fitting in food production lab
2023-08-04 |
NIQ for servicing / repairing of 500LPH (05 Nos.) & 250LPH (02 Nos.) RO Plant
2023-08-01 |
NIQ for printing material of Library (readers tickets)
2023-08-01 |
NIQ for steal Almirah and office racks